Yes, all the items that are displayed in our website are exactly what you should receive. In case you have received a different item by mistake then you can contact us to return the item and ask for a refund.
Upon making a purchase, you should receive a receipt in your email address.
In case the item is not working or it is not what you have ordered then yes you can reach out to us to return the item.
Depending on the availability in the market and the market demand, some items might be restocked and some items might not.
Depending on the delivery option you have selected and the time you have made the order. Your order will be processed within the same day if you have ordered within the working hours. Otherwise, it will be processed the next day.
Depending on the delivery option you have selected, your item can be delivered on the same day during the working hours or the next day if you choose express delivery.
If you choose normal delivery then it might take 1 to 2 days from the order processing.